
Data Collection Tools & Standard Operating Procedure

CHAIN Enrollment-CRF
Community Enrollment
Younger Infants Enrollment
Daily Record
Additional Data for younger infants
D45 Follow-up
D90 Follow-up
D180 Follow-up
Unscheduled visit
Discharge CRF
Readmission CRF
Radiology results
HIV confirmatory test
Study conclusion
In-patient verbal autopsy
Household survey
Blood spot SOP
Blood collection SOP
Blood processing SOP
Rectal swab collection
Stool processing SOP
Sample shipment SOP
Sample completeness
DBS cards punching for storage SOP
Ecoli Salmonella Shigella Isolation
CAMPY isolation SOP
Freezing SOP
ESBL Testing SOP
Rectal swab ESBL screening
Data Management Plan
Data Entry SOP
Data query resolution
Change Management SOP
GPS Machine SOP

Free software tools for adaptive trial design

Adaptive trial designs have become popular in clinical trials and general randomized studies. They provide a number of advantages over traditional designs, e.g., adaptive designs support a variety of flexible decision rules aimed at identifying the best interventions or most promising populations of subjects in a data-driven way, and help improve the probability of success in the study.

A suite of free software tools (MedianaDesigner package) have been built to help research teams design complex adaptive trials. This package supports efficient simulation-based power and sample size calculations for most commonly used types of adaptive designs:

Adaptive trials with data-driven sample size or event count re-estimation.
Adaptive trials with data-driven treatment selection.
Adaptive trials with data-driven population selection.

The R package can be installed from the CRAN web site.

Free web applications that facilitate simulation-based design of adaptive trials are available on the Cloud platform. The applications can be accessed using the following login information:

Login: MedianaDesigner
Password: Rt5UKD8pzm

Additional information and multiple case studies can be found in the online manual.

Access the Mediana Designer CRAN page here
