The Childhood Acute Illness & Nutrition Network

A group of clinical experts, scientists and advisors worldwide seeking to optimize care for vulnerable children in limited resource settings

Recent Research

Barriers and enablers to the effective implementation of omics research in low- and middle-income countries

| CHAIN Publications | No Comments
Abstract Addressing the hurdles and opportunities associated with omics research in low- and middle-income countries may inform strategies for its effective execution, and thus increase our ability to tackle health…

Intestinal disturbances associated with mortality of children with complicated severe malnutrition

| CHAIN Publications | No Comments
Abstract Background Children admitted to hospital with complicated severe malnutrition (CSM) have high mortality despite compliance with standard WHO management guidelines. Limited data suggests a relationship between intestinal dysfunction and…


African researchers training to develop large-scale genomics projects

Read full article here

Child Health Task Force panel discussion on CHAIN with representatives from WHO, UNICEF & USAAID.

Read full article here

The CHAIN Network is  focused on optimizing the management and care of the sick and undernourished child in  resource-limited settings to improve survival, growth and development.

The CHAIN Network aims to identify the biological mechanisms and the socio-economic factors that determine a child’s risk of mortality in the six months following presentation to medical care with an acute illness.

Clinical Sites

Partner Sites

Coordination Sites


The CHAIN Network aims to identify the biological mechanisms and the socio-economic factors that determine a child’s risk of mortality.


The Network will serve as a platform for substantive clinical trials that are led within the group in order to inform policy

The CHAIN Network is funded by the
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