Introducing Precision Nutrition for Vulnerable Children in Low-Resource Settings. Read full article here
Precision Nutrition for Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Hype or Hope? Link to the whole magazine
Introducing Precision Nutrition for Vulnerable Children in Low-Resource Settings. Read full article here
Precision Nutrition for Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Hype or Hope? Link to the whole magazine
Despite adherence to WHO guidelines, inpatient mortality among sick children admitted to hospital with complicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) remains unacceptably high. Several studies have examined risk factors present at admission for mortality. However, risks may evolve during admission with medical and nutritional treatment or deterioration. Currently, no specific guidance exists for assessing daily treatment response. This study aimed to determine the prognostic value of monitoring clinical signs on a daily basis for assessing mortality risk during hospitalization in children with SAM.
This is a secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial (NCT02246296) among 843 hospitalized children with SAM. Daily clinical signs were prospectively collected during ward rounds. Multivariable extended Cox regression using backward feature selection was performed to identify daily clinical warning signs (CWS) associated with time to death within the first 21 days of hospitalization. Predictive models were subsequently developed, and their prognostic performance evaluated using Harrell’s concordance index (C-index) and time-dependent area under the curve (tAUC).
Inpatient case fatality ratio was 16.3% (n=127). The presence of the following CWS during daily assessment were found to be independent predictors of inpatient mortality: symptomatic hypoglycemia, reduced consciousness, chest indrawing, not able to complete feeds, nutritional edema, diarrhea, and fever. Daily risk scores computed using these 7 CWS together with MUAC<10.5cm at admission as additional CWS predict survival outcome of children with SAM with a C-index of 0.81 (95% CI 0.77–0.86). Moreover, counting signs among the top 5 CWS (reduced consciousness, symptomatic hypoglycemia, chest indrawing, not able to complete foods, and MUAC<10.5cm) provided a simpler tool with similar prognostic performance (C-index of 0.79; 95% CI 0.74–0.84). Having 1 or 2 of these CWS on any day during hospitalization was associated with a 3 or 11-fold increased mortality risk compared with no signs, respectively.
This study provides evidence for structured monitoring of daily CWS as recommended clinical practice as it improves prediction of inpatient mortality among sick children with complicated SAM. We propose a simple counting-tool to guide healthcare workers to assess treatment response for these children.
Intestinal disorders such as environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) are prevalent in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and important contributors to childhood undernutrition and mortality. Autopsies are rarely performed in LMICs but minimally invasive tissue sampling is increasingly deployed as a more feasible and acceptable procedure, although protocols have been devoid of intestinal sampling to date. We sought to determine (1) the feasibility of postmortem intestinal sampling, (2) whether autolysis precludes enteric biopsies’ utility, and (3) histopathologic features among children who died during hospitalization with acute illness or undernutrition.
Transabdominal needle and endoscopic forceps upper and lower intestinal sampling were conducted among children aged 1 week to 59 months who died while hospitalized in Blantyre, Malawi. Autolysis ratings were determined for each hematoxylin and eosin slide, and upper and lower intestinal scoring systems were adapted to assess histopathologic features and their severity.
Endoscopic and transabdominal sampling procedures were attempted in 28 and 14 cases, respectively, with >90% success obtaining targeted tissue. Varying degrees of autolysis were present in all samples and precluded histopathologic scoring of 6% of 122 biopsies. Greater autolysis in duodenal samples was seen with longer postmortem interval (Beta = 0.06, 95% confidence interval, 0.02–0.11). Histopathologic features identified included duodenal Paneth and goblet cell depletion. Acute inflammation was absent but chronic inflammation was prevalent in both upper and lower enteric samples. Severe chronic rectal inflammation was identified in children as young as 5.5 weeks.
Minimally invasive postmortem intestinal sampling is feasible and identifies histopathology that can inform mortality contributors.
Severely ill children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience high rates of mortality from a broad range of infectious diseases, with the risk of infection-related death compounded by co-existing undernutrition. How undernutrition and acute illness impact immune responses in young children in LMICs remains understudied, and it is unclear what aspects of immunity are compromised in this highly vulnerable population. To address this knowledge gap, we profiled longitudinal whole blood cytokine responses to Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands among severely ill children (n=63; 2-23 months old) with varied nutritional backgrounds, enrolled in the CHAIN Network cohort from Kampala, Uganda, and Kilifi, Kenya, and compared these responses to similar-aged well children in local communities (n=41). Cytokine responses to ligands for TLR-4 and TLR-7/8, as well as Staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB), demonstrated transient impairment in T cell function among acutely ill children, whereas innate cytokine responses were exaggerated during both acute illness and following clinical recovery. Nutritional status was associated with the magnitude of cytokine responses in all stimulated conditions. Among children who died following hospital discharge or required hospital re-admission, exaggerated production of interleukin-7 (IL-7) to all stimulation conditions, as well as leukopenia with reduced lymphocyte and monocyte counts, were observed. Overall, our findings demonstrate exaggerated innate immune responses to pathogen-associated molecules among acutely ill young children that persist during recovery. Heightened innate immune responses to TLR ligands may contribute to chronic systemic inflammation and dysregulated responses to subsequent infectious challenges. Further delineating mechanisms of innate immune dysregulation in this population should be prioritized to identify novel interventions that promote immune homeostasis and improve outcomes.
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Objectives Mortality during acute illness among children in low- and middle-income settings remain unacceptably high and there is increasing recognition of the importance of post-discharge mortality. A comprehensive understanding of pathways underlying mortality among acutely ill children is needed to develop interventions and improve guidelines. We aimed to determine the incidence, timing and contributions of proximal and underlying exposures for mortality among acutely ill young children from admission to hospital until 6 months after discharge in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia in the context of guideline-based care.
Design A prospective stratified cohort study recruiting acutely ill children at admission to hospital with follow up until 180 days after discharge from hospital (November 2016-July 2019).
Setting Nine urban and rural hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia across a range of facility levels, and local prevalences of HIV and malaria.
Participants Inclusion criteria were age 2-23 months, admission to hospital with acute, non-traumatic medical illness and stratified into three groups by anthropometry. Children were excluded if currently receiving pulmonary resuscitation, had a known condition requiring surgery within 6 months or known terminal illness with death expected within 6 months.
Main outcome measures Acute mortality occurring within 30-days from admission; post-discharge mortality within 180-days from discharge; characteristics with direct and indirect associations with mortality within a multi-level a priori framework including demographic, clinical, anthropometric characteristics at admission and discharge from hospital, and pre-existing child-, caregiver- and household-level characteristics.
Results Of 3101 participants (median age 11 months), 1218 were severely wasted/kwashiorkor, 763 moderately wasted and 1120 were not wasted. Of 350 deaths, 182 (52%) occurred during index admission, 234 (67%) within 30-days of admission and 168 (48%) within 180-days post-discharge. Ninety (54%) post-discharge deaths occurred at home. The ratio of inpatient to post-discharge mortality was consistent across anthropometric strata and sites. Large high and low risk groups could be disaggregated for both early and post-discharge mortality. Structural equation models identified direct pathways to mortality and multiple socioeconomic, clinical and nutritional domains acting indirectly through anthropometric status.
Conclusions Among diverse sites in Africa and South Asia, almost half of mortality occurs post-discharge. Despite being highly predictable, these deaths are not addressed in current guidelines. A fundamental shift to a risk-based approach to inpatient and post-discharge management is needed to further reduce childhood mortality and clinical trials of these approaches with outcomes of mortality, readmission and cost are warranted.
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Background: Post-hospital discharge mortality risk is high among young children in many low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The available literature suggests that child, caregiver and health care provider gender all play important roles in post-discharge adherence to medical advice, treatment-seeking and recovery for ill children in LMICs, including those with undernutrition.
Methods: A qualitative study was embedded within a larger multi-country multi-disciplinary observational cohort study involving children aged less than 2 years conducted by the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Network. Primary data were collected from family members of 22 purposively selected cohort children. Family members were interviewed several times in their homes over the 6 months following hospital discharge (total n = 78 visits to homes). These in-depth interviews were complemented by semi-structured individual interviews with 6 community representatives, 11 community health workers and 12 facility-based health workers, and three group discussions with a total of 24 community representatives. Data were analysed using NVivo11 software, using both narrative and thematic approaches.
Results: We identified gender-related influences at health service/system and household/community levels. These influences interplayed to family members’ adherence to medical advice and treatment-seeking after hospital discharge, with potentially important implications for children’s recovery. Health service/system level influences included: fewer female medical practitioners in healthcare facilities, which influenced mothers’ interest and ability to consult them promptly for their child’s illnesses; gender-related challenges for community health workers in supporting mothers with counselling and advice; and male caregivers’ being largely absent from the paediatric wards where information sessions to support post-discharge care are offered. Gendered household/community level influences included: women’s role as primary caretakers for children and available levels of support; male family members having a dominant role in decision-making related to food and treatment-seeking behaviour; and greater reluctance among parents to invest money and time in the treatment of female children, as compared to male children.
Conclusions: A complex web of gender related influences at health systems/services and household/community levels have important implications for young children’s recovery post-discharge. Immediate interventions with potential for positive impact include awareness-raising among all stakeholders – including male family members – on how gender influences child health and recovery, and how to reduce adverse consequences of gender-based discrimination. Specific interventions could include communication interventions in facilities and homes, and changes in routine practices such as who is present in facility interactions. To maximise and sustain the impact of immediate actions and interventions, the structural drivers of women’s position in society and gender inequity must also be tackled. This requires interventions to ensure equal equitable opportunities for men and women in all aspects of life, including access to education and income generation activities. Given patriarchal norms locally and globally, men will likely need special targeting and support in achieving these objectives.
Keywords: Bangladesh; Children; Gender relations; Hospitalization; Treatment-seeking; Undernutrition.
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